пятница, 13 декабря 2013 г.


One of the three drawings.
Captain Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa.
Paper, brush, watercolor, tempera, black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

The idea came after seeing these pictures of Johnny Depp:
1 picture
2 picture

 Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com

Pirate at the museum.

Captain Jack Sparrow  at the museum.
Paper,  tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.
Some vandalism...
Everybody finds in the „Black Square“ of Malevich what he wants to see.
They say, Malevich was telling after the painting of this picture, he could neither eat nor sleep and didn't understand what he made at all.
But legendary cap Jack looking at the picture took a big nip of rum and it was clear for him, he can neither eat nor sleep anymore if he don't make something with it right now. So, he took a brush and made his contribution to the world art fund. He DID understand what he made :)

 Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa. Two captains.

Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa. Two captains, two pistol, two bullet and one monkey. Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.
Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa and their complicated relationship.

Two captains were leaved once on the desert isle by the team of Black Pearl in order to calm them down. One pistol with single bullet for each of them. They had to set their nerves at ease under the warm sun and with gentle splashes of the waves... But at first Jack and Hector used their bullets.
Such a hot dance with big enthusiasm :)

Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com

Jack Sparrow & Hector Barbossa. Two captains.

Jack Sparrow & Hector Barbossa. Two captains.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.

For my pal KomyFly  :iconkomyfly:

Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow. Two captains and their uneasy mutual relations.

And it's a great drawing KomyFly: Two Captains by KomyFlyinc 

 Два капитана. Картинки "Пираты Карибского моря".
Гектор Барбосса и Джек Воробей. Два пиратских капитана и их непростые взаимоотношения.

I couldn't resist, mate.

I couldn't resist, mate.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
Captain Jack Sparrow and... Elizabeth Swann.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.

Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 


Treasure. Captain Jack Sparrow & Hector Barbossa.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

Jailbreak captain Jack Sparrow.

Jailbreak captain Jack Sparrow.
Captain Jack Sparrow, Murtogg and Mullroy, the executioner and his assistants.
Personages: captain Jack Sparrow, His Majesty's marine infantrymen Murtogg and Mullroy and other good habitants of Port-Royal.

Captain Jack Sparrow found once himself in the jail of Port-Royal. But he is Captain Jack Sparrow, savvy? Well, he could obtain somehow the piece of iron and was able to batter the right wall of his cell. It should be a long hoped-for way to freedom, but perfidious Fortune turned with an aft to him and he found himself...

Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com

1# Murtogg, Mullroy and captain Jack Sparrow.
Two stupid infantrymen Murtogg and Mullroy are discussing the matter of the location of the second half of prisoners if the first half is still in the cell.

Картинки "Пираты Карибского моря" от Капитана Буль-Буля (aka сэр Бормоглот, aka 66sean99).
Действующие лица: Капитан Джек Воробей, морские пехотинцы его королевского величества Мэртог и Маллрой и ... другие добрые жители города Порт-Рояла.

Как-то раз неуловимый кэп Джек попал в тюрьму славного города Порт-Рояла. Но, он же капитан Джек Воробей, смекаете? Поэтому, созрел в его смекалистой голове хитроумный план побега. Раздобыв какую-то железяку (как это произошло, история умалчивает), кэп Джек разобрал кладку правой стены своей темницы. И вот он, казалось бы, долгожданный путь к свободе! Но коварная Фортуна на этот раз повернулась к легендарному капитану Джеку Воробью своей кормой, и вместо коридора или чулана, попал кэп Дек... в общем, он попал...

1# Два придурка... бррр,  морских пехотинца Мэртог и Маллрой ведут философскую беседу о том, что если половина пирата все еще находится в камере, то другая половина, возможно, тоже ушла не далеко...

2# ... And this is properly speaking the discussing half of captain Jack Sparrow. Jack is seeing not a gladsome scene.

2# А это, собственно, вторая (или первая?) половина кэпа Джека. Сунулся он в проделанный лаз, и открылась ему совсем не радостная картина.

3# The executioner and his assistants.
Captain Jack Sparrow found himself in torture chamber. His luck was even less as that one of Abbé Faria, who only got into other cell of the Château d'If .. Jack recognized the bafflement of his situation. He has to rescue his arse, otherwise this Mr. Proper butcher with his helper tackle him..

3# Куда же попал кэп Джек?
А попал кэп Джек ни много, ни мало, а прямо в камеру пыток. Повезло ему еще меньше, чем  аббату Фарио из знаменитого романа Дюма "Граф Монте-Кристо", ибо аббат таким способом оказался лишь в соседней камере другого узника замка Иф... Капитан Джек Воробей конечно сразу смекнул, что дело повернулось круто, и нужно спасать свой зад, иначе этот мистер Пропер палач славного Порт-Рояла со своими подручными примется и за него. 


Bird-catcher. Captain Jack Sparrow and James Norrington.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

1) Red herring. 2) Over the precipice. (Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides).

Red herring.
Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides. Captain Jack Sparrow & Hector Barbossa. Jack steals the map.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

In the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides" captain Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa trespass the ship of Ponce de Leon "Santiago" looking for chalices, but they know soon, these are already stolen. Two scoundrels jump into the bed of Ponce de Leon – what an impudence! - and discover there a map of the isle, but they have no luck: although mouldering Ponce is dead since more then a century, he's keeping vigil and never gives the map of his own free will. „Don't touch it!“, - whispers Barb to Jack, who already wanted to pocket the map. Truly, in that moment Ponce gives a menacingly look at hapless captain Jack. It is what Disney shows us.

But I think, it was not that way. Can't believe, Jack would not take what he wants to have!
Barb and Jack could surely invent how to distract Ponce and while he was freaked out (damn, it's MY bed!), Jack nicked a map and Ponce didn't even notice it.

Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

Отвлекающий маневр. 
Картинки "Пираты Карибского моря. На странных берегах".

В фильме "Пираты Карибского моря. На странных берегах" капитан Джек Воробей и Гектор Барбосса проникают на корабль Понсе де Леоне "Сантьяго" в поисках чаш, и выясняют, что чаши уже  реквизировали до них. Запрыгнув в постель Понсе де Леоне (какая наглость!), два проходимца обнаружили там карту острова... но вот незадача, трухлявый Понсе хоть и мертв более ста лет, но бдит, и карту не отдаст ни за какие коврижки...
"Не трогай карту": шепчет Барбосса Джеку, который уже было собрался ее прикарманить. И точно, Понсе оживился и грозно повернул голову в сторону незадачливого кэпа Воробья. Так нам показал Дисней.

Но я то думаю, все было совсем иначе... Да разве кэп Джек не украдет то, что ему приглянулось? Да не поверю ни за что!
Барбосса и Джек конечно придумали как отвлечь трухлявого Понсе, и пока тот офигевал от такой наглости незванных гостей
(Черт побери, это же МОЯ постель!), Джек стащил карту. Ага, а Понсе и не заметил... )))

Over the precipice. "Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides". Captain Jack Sparrow & Hector Barbossa.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.

 Над пропастью. Картинки "Пираты Карибского моря".
Действующие лица: капитан Джек Воробей и Гектор Барбосса. Картинки "Пираты Карибского моря. На странных берегах".

Мне всегда хотелось, чтобы сцена на корабле Понсе де Леона "Сантьяго" в фильме "Пираты Карибского моря. На странных берегах" завершилась оглушительным падением данного корабля в пропасть. И не ясно, почему так не поступили Диснеи? К этому были все предпосылки, ветхий корабль висит на скалах над самой пропастью, и держится на честном слове. Джек и Барбосса его рьяно раскачивали, и все шло к тому... но зрителя, меня в данном случае, злостно обманули. Сцена закончилась пшиком. Барбосса и Джек обнаружили, что чаши уже украдены, заглянули в карту и тихонько удалились... Но позвольте, а где же грандиозный экшен? Это же приключение! А в приключенческом кино много экшена не бывает.

А вот то, чего не показал Дисней... Висящий над пропастью корабль рухнул таки вниз с оглушительным грохотом. Барбосса и Джек повисли над ущельем, зацепившись за лианы... Вернее, за лианы уцепился Барбосса, а Джек вцепился в ... эээ, в то, что подвернулось под руку. Теперь пиратским капитанам придется выбираться из пропасти, помогая друг другу в этом нелегком деле, поминая всех морских чертей и жгя глаголом...
Теперь кэпу Джеку придется импровизировать.

Lord Beckett's Tea.

Lord Beckett's Tea.
Lord Beckett and captain Jack Sparrow.
Paper, tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

Teatime by Lord Beckett. To say the truth, captain Jack Sparrow is not a tea lover. Even if tea is with "rum baba".. though here is no rum and no "baba" (the same word used in some cases for "woman" and for a kind of small yeast cake saturated in hard liquor). Here are only old Jack's enemy Lord Beckett and tea, which both Jack really hates. What does he do here? He doesn't know yet, parley just begins...

P.S. The white cat is here not without reason: every real villain has to have a white cat) Remember the great and powerful Ernst Stavro Blofeld, eternal antaginist of 007.

Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

The new hat of Hector Barbossa.

The new hat of Hector Barbossa. Captain Jack Sparrow & Hector Barbossa.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.

Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

Jack never had the similar fashion taste as Hector. Now he teases his chief mate because of his new huge hat with a huckle.
"Here you see, how the right one hat has to look!" - invokes cap... without success.

Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

3) On the isle.

3) On the isle.
Captain Jack Sparrow and rum runners.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.

Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

Left by the insurgent team of the „Black Pearl“ on the desert isle Jack Sparrow didn't stay long time hungry and thirsty. He found a hiding-place of rum runners and had a very pleasant time. As he absorbed in few days a notable amount of rum and was sweetly sleeping on the beach, he was catched on the hop by rum runners. They were not very much pleased with state of things.

Jack Sparrow: Last time... I was here a grand total of three days, all right? Last time, the rum runners used this island as a cache, they came past and I was able to barter passage off.

Elizabeth: So that's it, then? That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow. You spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum.

 Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com

2) On the isle.

2) On the isle. Captain Jack Sparrow and rum runners.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

After the riot the captain without ship Jack Sparrow was left on the desert isle. He've got a pistol with single bullet, the governor title of this piece of land and „die asap!“ farewell. But he could save a bullet and find withal a hiding-place of rum runners. Three days he spent on the beach drinking rum. As he was catched by rum runners, he was cockeyed and very happy, so the guys grasped that their business is badly hit.

Jack Sparrow: Last time... I was here a grand total of three days, all right? Last time, the rum runners used this island as a cache, they came past and I was able to barter passage off.

Elizabeth: So that's it, then? That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow. You spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum.

1) On the isle.

Captain Jack Sparrow. On the isle.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

The captain Jack without ship on the desert isle. One gun, one bullet and plenty of contraband rum. Do you think, Jack feels bad? Indeed, he is left without ship, without food and water on the isle. But he'll really feel BAD when contrabandists return and find out that he imbibed all their rum...

Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

Captain Jack Sparrow & Hector Barbossa.

Captain Jack Sparrow & Hector Barbossa.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Art.

Cap. Jack and Barb captured a big plunder and are celebrating now.
Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

"Гулять, так гулять!" Гектор Барбосса и капитан Джек Воробей.
Картинки "Пираты Карибского моря".

Капитан Джек с Барбоссой захватили большой приз, отмечают...
...Мы вернемся, как боги,
Иль с шабаша черти хмельные!
После славной охоты
Готовы мы всех полюбить!
Мы едим с серебра,
Сыплем щедрой рукой золотые!
Нас запомнят все шлюхи,
Чтоб через неделю забыть... (с)

Captain Jack Sparrow and The big Russian Mermaid.

Captain Jack Sparrow and The big Russian Mermaid.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.

Captain Jack Sparrow and a big russian mermaid. Well, she swam up once into the blue Caribbean Sea.
Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

Капитан Джек Воробей и  большая русская русалка... Заплыла как-то одна  в Карибское синее море. Картинка от Капитана Буль-Буля (aka сэр Бормоглот). 

Captain Jack Sparrow and mermaid.

Captain Jack Sparrow and mermaid.
Paper, black tempera, white, brush and black pencil.
Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

Картинки "Пираты Карибского моря".

Капитан Джек Воробей и русалка. Поймала дева морская кэпа Джека и утащила в пучину вод, сейчас надругается ... ))) Картинка от Капитана Буль-Буля (aka сэр Бормоглот).

Captain Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones.

Captain Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones. You Got a Debt to Pay, Jack.
Illustration for the Russian fanfic.
Art - Captain Bool-Bool (Bormoglot).
DeviantArt.com - http://bormoglot.deviantart.com 

Картинки "Пираты Карибского моря".

Капитан Джек Воробей и злой дух моря Дэви Джонс. "Должок". Дэви грязно пристает к Джеку. Картинка от капитана Буль-Буля (aka сэр Бормоглот).

Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.

Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)

Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.

Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow. Two captains.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)

Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow. Two captains. Wallpapers.

Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow. Two captains.  Wallpapers.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.

Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides - Wallpapers.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)

Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.

Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow. Two captains.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)

Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers

Pirates of the Caribbean - Wallpapers.
Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow. Two captains.
Other sizes here: seanconneryfan.ru - Pirates of the Caribbean Wallpapers
(1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050)